Weatherization Requirements
Required for New Field Employees and/or Contractors
Within 6 months of Employment
- WAP Boot Camp
- Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP)
- OSHA 10 or 30 hour training (Depending on position held)
Within 1 year of Employment
- Combustion Safety
- Success with Weatherization (Critical Details)
- BPI Building Analyst
Success with Weatherization
- Course Tuition: $350
This is a 1-day crash course on Weatherization for office staff.
Weatherization Bootcamp
- Class times: 4 days
- Course tuition: $1,500
This training course will provide weatherization professionals with an introduction to energy principles, thermal performance, health and safety standards, auditing, pressure diagnostics, and field repair.
Energy Basics
- Class times: 1 day
- Course tuition: $300
This one day training will provide the participant with an overview of basic building science principles, including Weatherization basics, principles of applied building science, pressure diagnostics, and thermal performance.
Combustion Safety / Health and Safety
- Class times: 1 day
- Course tuition: $300
This one day class focuses on all the testing performed in a home involving any combustion appliances, as well as other Health And Safety issues you may come across.
Pressure Diagnostics I & II
- Class times: 2 days
- Course tuition: $600
This two day training will provide the participant with an understanding of pressure diagnostics analysis and includes both classroom and laboratory experience. Participants will use the Minneapolis Blower Door to perform pressure diagnostics to locate solutions to ineffective energy problems with the residential environment.
REM Design – Computer Modeling
- Class times: 1 day
- Course tuition: $300
- Course CEUs: 3.5
This one day class is designed to teach participants how to use REM Design home energy analysis software, the DOE approved auditing tool for the Arizona Low-Income weatherization. Program.
HP Bootcamp - Class currently not being offered
- Class times: 5 days
- Course tuition: $1,000
This 5-day long training course will provide Home Performance professionals with an introduction to energy principles, thermal performance, health and safety standards, auditing, pressure diagnostics, and field repair. A combination of classroom and hands-on instructions will prepare candidates to perform the tasks required of Home Performance auditors within the current Home Performance Program Guidelines.
Thermal Performance/ Infrared Basics
- Class times: 1 day
- Course tuition: $300
This 8 hour course will demonstrate the basic functions shared by most modern IR Camera’s, the science behind how they work and how they can be used as a invaluable tool to the Weatherization or Home Performance Auditor. This class will go through how to use your IR camera, and just importantly, how NOT to use your IR camera. Common pitfalls novice users encounter as well as best practices, tips and tricks and how to present your images to your customer/client.
WAP For Admin 101 and 102
- Class times: 1 day
- Course tuition: $350 for each class
- Course CEUs: N/A
These one-day trainings will provide the participant with an overview of basic building science principles, including Weatherization basics, principles of applied building science, pressure diagnostics, and thermal performance. In additional participants will learn Weatherization guidelines, reporting and priority lists